Monday, August 31, 2015

Guilt Free Midnight Snacks

We’ve all been there. Laying in our beds Friday night watching Golden Girls reruns, when suddenly the clock strikes midnight! And as if we are under some type of curse, we began craving all types of junk food to go along with out tv binge. Most of the time when this happens, we are just eating because we’re bored or we see a food commercial that tricks us into thinking we are hungry. If you’re anything like me sometimes you can fight off the curse of the midnight snack and sometimes you ransack your kitchen for anything edible.
angry hungry.gif

Since us college folk don’t have our parents in our apartment/dorm to tell us “you don’t need to eat this late!” It can be hard to indulge at midnight while staying discipline.
eating junk watching rubbish.gif

Here are a couple of snacks that you can enjoy while binge watching netflix at midnight without feeling guilt (in moderation of course).

  • Frozen grapes (they taste just like candy!)
  • Greek yogurt, fruit, and honey
  • Whole wheat tortilla chips and salsa
  • Baked sweet potato drizzled with honey
  • Veggies and homemade ranch from greek yogurt
  • Mini tuna or turkey and cheese whole wheat cracker sandwiches
  • Butterless popcorn seasoned with garlic (or your favorite low sodium seasonings)
  • Pretzel sticks
  • Dark chocolate bar (75% cocoa or more)
  • Sliced cucumbers and season salt
  • Carrots and hummus (any vegetable goes great with hummus)
  • Bowl of Kashi or any healthy brand of cereal and almond milk
  • Almonds, salt-less peanuts, sunflower seeds, and or pumpkin seeds

-Lisa Lenora

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