Monday, July 20, 2015

The Pains of Being a Pescetarian

At the age of 18 and beginning a clean slate as a freshman at Michigan State University, I decided I wanted to change my lifestyle and take on healthier eating habits. Being the daily chicken finger eater that I was, you can imagine the hard times I fell upon while giving up chicken. I decided it was better for me to start slow in order to keep myself from relapsing back to burgers and wings. Instead of going straight from carnivore to herbivore, I decided to just cut out chicken, beef, and pork while still eating seafood and tons of vegetables. Here I am three years later still going strong as a pescetarian, but you can imagine the annoying questions and comments I was (and most likely will always be) faced with like:

People constantly me asking what a pescetarian is.
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After I answer that question they still ask more questions like, “Why don’t you just eat meat?”, “Isn’t fish a meat?”, “Are you getting enough vitamins?”, “Can’t you get sick from not eating meat?”, “Is that why you lost so much weight?”, “So do you only eat tuna salad?”, “You ever get tempted to eat a burger?”, “How can you afford to buy seafood all the time?” and “Are you sure you aren’t a vegetarian?”yo9u ask a lot of questions.gif

Going out with friends and seeing on that the fish and chip basket comes with one piece of fish and three fries but cost $12.19

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So now I am forced to eat a salad while my friends chow down on 10 different flavors of wings.
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Going to barbeques and seeing there is not a shrimp or a piece of fish in sight, so now I have to eat sides.

Having to explain to people what foods like veggie burgers and tofu taste like and how to cook them.

But through all the pain and through all the annoying questions, I have realized that I have felt great after becoming a pescetarian and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Which makes me began to think about all the great pescetarian meals, which makes me hungry.

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